
The youth of Alicante receives Dogechoco with emotion in Alicante Futura

Dogechoco and its Crypto Chocolates of the future are welcomed by the new technological generations of web3 from Alicante Futura with great affection

The startup from Alicante that tokenizes food for the first time in history to make the shopping cart stop being an expense and become beneficial thanks to the opportunities of Blockchain,

Dogechoco was visiting the I Alicante Futura International Congress loaded with Crypto Chocolates and Dogecao tablets that the CEO and founder, Agustín López, was handing out to the attendees in the ADDA auditorium of the Diputación de Alicante

The Tokenized Artisan Technological Crypto Chocolates from Alicante delighted the attendees who tasted them live and were also interested in learning about the disruptive ecosystem proposed by the adorable puppy of the Dogechoco community that walks to become the new web3 Mickey Mouse of food of the future with a surprising and pioneering Chocoverse of the metaverse that also proposes to revolutionize as a new commercial platform of the food industry for artisan manufacturers and large distribution.

On October 25, the launch of the pre-sale of the Dogechoco token will begin on the Pinksale Launchpad on the BNBChain network and JamonSwap on Polygon.

The future is today, Dogechoco is creating it, lunar tasty!

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