
Vitalik's Ethereum network prepares to receive Dogechoco, which already accepts the asset in the online store

Dogechoco Crypto Chocolates completes its arrival on Vitalik Buterín's Ethereum network with the development of its smart contract and activates the processing of payments with ETH for purchases in the online store.

The roadmap of the fashionable asset of cryptocurrencies in Spain, Dogechoco, continues to advance steadily in the Ethereum network, burning stages for the long-awaited launch of the token that is bringing chocolate and illusion to investors all over the planet.

The Dogechoco work team, from the Bitchoco multinational group chaired by the CEO, Agustín López, has announced to the community in the official Telegram group that development work has begun by the technology team for testing the base contract in the Ethereum network in its own local blockchain created for functional testing.

The online store accepts payments with Ethereum and other crypto assets for the purchase of chocolates that you have to take advantage of with the brand's launch promotion with a guaranteed place on the whitelist.

The future is today, Dogechoco is creating it.

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